30 April 2018

L has been cooking up a treat!

Amazing homemade tortilla chips and salsa both made by L. Yummy!! And spicy! *phew*

Another of the joys of home education is that children can learn so many different life skills that they would never pick up at school.  Oh they do 'food technology' (what?) at school but they could never just choose something they wanted to learn to make and then make it.

24 April 2018

Rainy day walk

L and I had a lovely soggy, rainy day walk out on the hills today.

This is one of the joys of home education.  Freedom to enjoy the wonders around us!

Froggy was not impressed that we nearly stood on her frogspawn!  This was in a big puddle in one of the fields we crossed.

Almost to the top of our wellies!

You're never too old to splash in puddles!

Beauty all around

08 April 2018

Beautiful beach sunset

We decided last minute to visit a local(ish) beach to watch the sun set.

It was certainly worth it.

The beauty of creation.