14 June 2010

The Red Arrows

We visited family this weekend. My BIL is in the RAF and there was a family day with a fair and loads of planes to look at. The Red Arrows did a display.

I haven't time right now to download all the pictures. I'll try to get time this week. But here are a few to whet your appetite as it were.

My BIL said that they are so strict. They are accurate to the inch. Amazing skills.


A Quiet, Gracious Life said...

Amazing pictures! Thanks for sharing them.

And your blog looks GORGEOUS! It's also very easy to read the posts. I just love these new template options. (o:

cabcree said...

oooo...that looks really cool.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Wow, That had to be exciting to see. Are the we ones out o school now? Have a great week.

The Bookworm said...

Looks wonderful! Those last two photos are spectacular.

Angela said...

wonderful pictures. when I tried to photograph the Red Bull Air Display one year, all I got were pictures of sky where the planes had just flown past!!