02 August 2010

I'm a total basket case

Hubs has been off work for the past week. So here's some of what we've been up to.

I love baskets. So, having some birthday money to spend (I'm now the grand old age of 37) I spent it on baskets. Aren't they pretty? *sigh* Oh, on the left you can just see the flowers hubs bought me on my birthday.

We are starting to build a dolls house. Here's what we did so far.

The girls chose a pattern from the internet, this one is pink hearts, and we printed off and glued to cardboard to fit into the bottom of a box.

I cut up some suede effect fabric for a carpet and we've cut out a window. We're planning many levels, some stairs, curtains, pictures, etc.

We also visited a local bird sanctuary. I particularly loved the cranes, but the girls loved the flamingos.

This crane (above) was so friendly

Here's a fancy looking crane (above).

We had a trip to the cinema too and watched Toy Story 3, it was hilarious, particularly Spanish Buzz.

We hired some videos: Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang, Alvin and the Chipmunks - the Squeakquel, and Sherlock. Nanny McPhee was favourite with the girls and hubs and I loved Sherlock.

So how was your week?


Joyce's Ramblings said...

I was hoping for a goat for my lawn. But a neighbor started my mower for me and I did it. Couldn't do anything the next day. I doubt a goat would go in town but I just don't have the oomph or pull in my wrist to start mower.
Happy belated birthday. Glad you had good family time.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday my friend! Sounds like you had a lovely week with your family. (o:

Oh!--And the baskets are so PRETTY!

The Bookworm said...

Love those baskets! And what fun to make your own dolls house.

Dulce Domum said...

Happy birthday to you! Nice baskets, I like a good basket too. Oh, have you seen the new BBc Sherlock Holmes series - excellent!

Anonymous said...

somehow I missed this post...now that you are on a break. lol

glad you had a nice week! sounds like it was fun.