28 November 2010

A bit of snow

Hello, I haven't posted for a while, my apologies. It's been a strange week or two.

The UK is beset by snow, except near us! I love snow, snow days, snowmen, snow-angels, sledging, snowball fights...*sigh*. We've had a light dusting which has frozen in this freezing weather (it's been around -6 C but it's warmed up a bit this evening as there is some cloud tonight). I hope for more snow, but we're not scheduled to have as much as in Scotland and the North East (we're central North West).

Things have settled down a little bit here. I've been low, but that's to be expected. My Dad and Granddad, and my Auntie, are really in my thoughts, especially my Granddad with Christmas coming up. I would appreciate your continuing prayers.

I'm reading a few books at the moment, but mostly The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas and Working Children in Nineteenth-Century Lancashire edited by Michael Winstanley. I'm not far enough into The Three Musketeers to form a considered opinion, but I'm really enjoying Working Children in Nineteenth-Century Lancashire. It's fascinating to get an insight into life in those days. Children had always worked in the family businesses (where they had a business), weaving, farming, etc. But once the big mills were opened the whole family often had to work to make ends meet. However, there were clashes between those who wanted to improve the lot of children and families who relied upon the wages their children could bring into the home. The book also covers children who worked away from the mills - errand boys, newspaper sellers, 'van boys'. Children who worked in a shop for example could work up to 60 hours a week on top of their schooling. No wonder they fell asleep in lessons. Children working on farms and in coal mines are covered too. I'll write some more when I have more time.

Hope you are having a blessed week.



Anonymous said...

Been thinking of you and praying for you and your family. And yes, it is *completely normal* to be feeling a low right now.

The book about Lancashire sounds fascinating!

Blessings and Hugs my dear friend!

Melissa said...

It is no surprise at all that you should be away and quiet. Rest and relax and heal.

You have my prayers and my thoughts.

Sarah said...

Thanks ladies, your prayers are so appreciated.

I've not had anything to say on my blog, well not anything lengthy. My only real internet reading has been Facebook. You don't have to say much on a status and it doesn't involve much thought, you have to think more to produce a post! Lol, and my brain has been elsewhere really. :)

It's always lovely to come here and read encouraging comments.

Hugs to you both.

Elizabethd said...

Our children and grandchildren have no idea of what life must have been like in those days...and that's not that long ago, really.

England seems to be under siege from the weather right now, and we have had our first fall of snow too.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed "The Three Musketeers". And since I'm thinking of Dumas...I love, love, love "The Count of Monte Cristo". But I don't like all his stuff. If you continue the three musketeers series it gets boring. I finished them anyway.

Still no snow here, but I know Washington got some.

Praying for you. :)

Sarah said...

Elizabeth, the weather's not been too bad near us, we have had snow but nothing like Scotland, Wales and north-east England.

Cabcree - thanks for your prayers. I'm enjoying The Three Musketeers so far, I also have The Man in the Iron Mask, but not the other books.

The Bookworm said...

The Lancashire book sounds fascinating. I'll have to see if I can get it from the library.

Glad you finally got your snow - we only got an inch, which was enough to keep Cherub happy, but not enough for the big girls to get the day off school, much to their disappointment!

Glad you are feeling a little better. Praying.