26 April 2011

Hello out there...

Hello, is anyone out there? :)

I've not given up on the ol' blog, it's simply that life's been a little hectic. I will try to get around some blogs this week too.

So how's your Easter been? Mine's been lovely. We've had a wonderful time at church, and we've been out and about. The last couple of weeks of school were incredibly busy, there have been parents' evenings, parties, a course, overtime due to other staff being absent, the girls' dance exams, the award presentation for the dance exams, choir shows, clarinet ensembles...Easter couldn't come soon enough for me! And even when the Easter holidays came it didn't seem to stop. But I'm not complaining, it's been fun.

We've had some beautiful weather for April. The sun's been out, glorious! Today's the first day it's been a bit chill and I've got my cardigan on. :)

Here are a few photos:

Spring lambs at the local farm


Ladybird (that's ladybug to my American friends!)

Beautiful sunset

Sun after rain

Waiting for Painted Lady butterflies to hatch...we had some very hairy caterpillars!

A day at the beach in April!

Who'd have thought we'd have a beach day? The girls loved it.

So, that's all for now. Hopefully will be back again soon and I will try to get around some blogs too.



Anonymous said...

Hello again! Welcome back, missed you.

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back! You have been missed! Betty from Texas

Anonymous said...

Oh how lovely to check my feed reader and see a post from you!

Sounds like you've been very busy--but it sounds like a *good* kind of busy.

Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!

Blessings and Hugs!

Sarah said...

Thank you ladies, that's so kind of you all! :) Hugs.

emerrube said...

it's definitely a good kind of busy! if I was tied to the computer all day because of work I'd find more things to do away from the computer. I'm sick of the internet some days. :) glad you had a lovely Easter and a nice time at the beach, etc, etc.

The Bookworm said...

Nice to see you back online :)

Sarah said...

Emerrube - yes the internet can get a bit of a drag sometimes, so a break is always good

Bookworm - thanks! :)