29 July 2011

How Cats See Their Home

Funny Pictures - Kitteh Komic of teh Day: How Cats See Their Home

Too true. Boots is highly offended if I stop her from sitting anywhere. She turns her back to me, sitting bolt upright with her ears back. I know I'm in trouble then.


emerrube said...

that's hilarious!!

Joyce's Ramblings said...

So True. Ginger goes and sits any where she wants to.

Anonymous said...

LOL that is so funny because it is TRUE! (o:

Susan B said...

Ha...love it! That is so true!!! That is how I feel with both of our cats. ☺

Sarah said...

Also, the second I get the tin-opener out she is levitated from deep sleep and starts the meow chorus. Even if it's a tin of tomato soup.

If it's tuna though, she becomes psychotic and will do ANYTHING to get to the tin.