29 November 2011

Christmas card designs

My church asked me to design a Christmas card that we can send out with service times on. At the time of designing the preaching had been all about the sacrifice that Jesus made leaving His throne in Heaven to be born in a manger (basically a feeding trough). That He came to suffer and die and we can forget this in all the glitz and cosiness of a modern Christmas.

The first card that I designed is the one you can see on the right with the baby Jesus in the hay but shown on the cross - obviously not nailed to the cross but shown with the cross as the background to show what He was born to do. But this was after some consideration deemed a little too sensitive and could be misunderstood. So I then very quickly designed the second one which shows the baby Jesus in the feeding trough or manger. I tried to get the effect of a stone trough (based on some pictures I found of 1st century feeding troughs)...but I am not entirely happy with the aspect of the baby in the manger. It doesn't quite look right to me. But I didn't have time to correct the picture as they needed printing.

The Like Sunshine in the Home is obviously not emblazoned across the originals! :)

The Bible text is from the NIV John 6:38  "For I have come down from heaven not to do My will but to do the will of Him who sent Me".  I didn't add the verse this was done on the computer at church, but I think it looks good and it's a wonderful scripture.


Angela said...

Yes, I like the one on the left best too. We prepare a card with the times of all the Christmas services at the churche sin the village - then the cards are distributed to every house. Hard work - but we believe it is worth it!

blessings x

Sarah said...

Thanks Angela. It's very different from the Shepherds in a field that I was originally going to do. I hope that it portrays the message of our Lord's sacrifice without being too shocking. The one of the left is gentler in portraying the message I think.

Susan B said...

I like the one on the left also, and the verse that was used. It does portray the message well. You did a nice job! :)

Melissa said...

I think it is a great card - it is why He became flesh and dwelt among us - it was His purpose and not something we should shy away from.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I LOVE them! My favorite is the one on the left. I've been so excited to see these ever since you first told me about them.

Great job my friend!

Sarah said...

Thanks ladies! You are so kind. It is an important message to remember not just at Easter but at Christmas and everyday; the cross must be carried with us everyday.

Jesus suffered for us in so many ways and knew the path that was before Him right from the beginning.

emerrube said...

me too...one on the left. :) this is how I've been thinking about Christmas the last few years.

Sarah said...

That does seem to be the favourite. :)

Elizabethd said...

Me too. The one on the left is lovely.

Sarah said...

Thanks Elizabeth. :)

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Beautiful job.

Carol said...

Hello, this is my first visit and I have enjoyed looking around your blog - it's very welcoming. I really appreciate the comment by Nicky Cruz about the modern Church and couldn't agree more.
Thanks for all you share.

Sarah said...

Thanks Joyce.

Thanks for visiting Carol!