09 February 2013

Happy day.

It was lovely to see people still reading here!  It made me happy to see the comments, lol. :)

As I said, I haven't blogged here for a while for personal reasons. It's been good to take time out, to get my head straight about a few things, to take a little private time at a 'secret' blog.  But I don't want to delete this one.  I've taken time out from blogging in the past, for various reasons, and deleted old blogs and have always, after some time, regretted it.

So I've made a decision [long pause in the style of Pop Idol final] and I'm going to keep this blog up.  How often I'll blog I don't know, things are busy, busy.

I've been working through a lot of things.

I've learned a lot of things.

Life has been such a transition since leaving our church last June.

It is hard to describe...but the legacy of being part of a cultish environment has taken it's toll spiritually, emotionally and even physically.

But it's been beautiful to rediscover Jesus all over again.

Freedom is a wonderful thing.

p.s. I loved this preach by Adrian Rogers:

Freedom from the Performance Trap


Elizabethd said...

I am pleased you didnt delete this blog, I love to pop in to visit!

Anonymous said...

Keep on blogging here! What a tumultuous time you've had, and that's only the church changing part that I know of.
God bless you and yours. He is a good and loving Almighty God.
Blogging is a good way to find support and encouragement.

Sandra said...

Glad you are not leaving. I don't know where you've been blogging, since I only have this one saved lol

Mrs. B said...

Same here...I've deleted blogs in the past and came to regret it later.

And I just LOVE that sermon, such freedom and comfort.