Friday 5 August 2011

Pictures around the Gîte

Here is the gîte we stayed in. It was built in around 1610 for the local countess, it stands in grounds once owned by the count. They moved her in her old age to another address so that the house could be sold to raise funds, within 60 days she was dead. They believe it was the move that killed her. I wonder why the count didn't want her living at his house? I think perhaps it was his mother and not his wife.

Inside the gîte was this old fireplace, the rest of the furnishings were fairly modern, you could see the old beams. It was pretty though.

The owners of the gîte were lovely. They lived in the cottage opposite, which was apparently built in about 1720.

This is the swimming pool, covered up. Behind you can see a gazebo which had a large table underneath and behind that a shed which had a dart board and pool room. The girls loved it, and so did we!

The gîte sits in around 3 acres of grounds surrounded by large trees (many of which were pine). It was so lovely every night to listen to the owls hooting in the trees. The local count liked to hunt wild boar. I did wonder if the animal noises at night were boar, but apparently there was a family of foxes which is more likely to have been the culprits.

Swings and slide, more fun for the girls.

When the couple who owned the gîte bought the property they knew that there was a tennis court but it was buried under about 3 feet of pine needles. Amazingly it had survived without damage. We had lots of fun playing tennis. Squidge particularly loved it.

My Dad trying to find tennis balls in the brambles. We suffered many scratches on our legs due to Chatterbox's enthusiastic lobs!

After a few days I happened to say, "What this gîte needs is a cat. A home isn't home without a cat". The very next day this large cat turned up. Lol. She was apparently a neighbour's cat called Pickles. She was lovely but very dribbly!

Gîte by night. Once night had fallen it was pitch black as there were no street lights on the country lane.

Amazing sunset.

It was so dark at night that when there was power cut following a heavy storm we had to pad about with candles. I scared Mum that night as I crept to the bathroom in the middle of the night with my candle lamp just as she was coming out. She thought I was Florence Nightingale or something.

Our last day. It rained. England was calling us! :)

If you look closely in the left hand window you might see a ghost.

The ghost of hubs. We had a fight and I buried him under the patio. ;) Lol, not really. After I'd taken the picture I noticed the ghostly figure, hubs trying to spoil my lovely pictures!! :)


Elizabethd said...

Brittany has some very pretty architecture. Your gite was lovely and you must have had fun exploring the area.

Anonymous said...

It is very beautiful and peaceful looking. :o)

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Beautiful pictures even with ghostly hubs. Gite is new word to me. Glad you all could enjoy your time there.

Melissa said...

What a gorgeous place...

emerrube said...

I'll have to have a better looksy later, but it looks like a place you want to own. :) Only in your dear country instead, of course. :)

Susan B said...

You stayed in a beautiful place, and looks like you had a lovely time. Thank you for sharing all your photos! :)