10 April 2013

Stuff and nonsense

I don't know why the title. LOL

It's been a wonderful Easter holidays, the girls have been off school and I've been off work since Good Friday, we all return on Monday next week.

I'm quite nervous returning to work.  I have been working in the school kitchen now for almost three years, but on Monday I start work in the school office.  It's more hours over four days a week.  It'll be interesting at first getting into a new routine, so if I don't post here or visit your blog you'll understand!  I'm rather nervous because it's more hours, but rather excited because I'm back in a job I think I do well - those who know me know that catering in any form is not my biggest talent! :)

So last week we did two exciting things - we visited the Lake District (see my previous post for some AMAZING photos of the beautiful landscape) and we bought a new car!  Well, new to us.  It's so SHINY!

This week so far I've visited Granddad (Dad's dad) on Monday with the girls, he's doing well - thank you to those blog friends who have been praying for him, please continue to pray though. In the afternoon Chatterbox had a friend over for tea, which was fun.  Yesterday I went to see my Grandma (Mum's mum) in the morning, in the afternoon me and the girls did some drawing and then went on a bit of a walk. Today I need to try to get some cleaning and ironing done.  Tomorrow I'm not sure...

Hope you're having a great week! :)

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