30 March 2014

"Misuse" of quotes

Further to my previous post: Laughter is the Best Medicine, my darling hubby pointed me to some examples of how people hurting themselves can sometimes be funny...using Friends and Only Fools and Horses episodes to prove his point.

One of the Friends videos reminded me of something else that made me laugh yesterday.  The misuse of quotes.  If you watch the video you'll see what I mean. I miss Friends.

Anyway, a Facebook friend posted a link to a site displaying awesome misuses of quotes.

My two favourites are the following:

Oh the stress...

I feel so "safe"
Life is funny.

Laughter is the best medicine...

...unless of course you've had a major operation and have stitches.  In which case, laughter is likely to cause you a great deal of pain.

We had a bad Friday night - we just couldn't sleep

Anyway, Saturday we were tired and very weary.  Well, I read one of those websites that post autocorrect mistakes - exhibit A:
I laughed until I was nearly sick.  I laughed until tears streamed down my face.  I laughed until G started laughing in sympathy (and a modicum of concern).

Inappropriate as most of them were, they TOTALLY cheered me up.

Laughing takes the edge off even the most painful situation and it is often healing.

Note: laughing at someone in a painful situation is not good.  G are you listening?  G finds people falling over to be the highest form of humour. Not every one agrees.  Especially me. Ha.

Crying - good. Let it out.
Laughing - good. Let it in.

Note 2: telling someone to laugh when they've just stubbed their toe may result in injury...yours.

P.S. Happy Mother's Day!

28 March 2014

Jedi cats

Hahahahaha Just love it.

Cats are awesome.  Star Wars is awesome.  This video is awesome.