30 March 2014

Laughter is the best medicine...

...unless of course you've had a major operation and have stitches.  In which case, laughter is likely to cause you a great deal of pain.

We had a bad Friday night - we just couldn't sleep

Anyway, Saturday we were tired and very weary.  Well, I read one of those websites that post autocorrect mistakes - exhibit A:
I laughed until I was nearly sick.  I laughed until tears streamed down my face.  I laughed until G started laughing in sympathy (and a modicum of concern).

Inappropriate as most of them were, they TOTALLY cheered me up.

Laughing takes the edge off even the most painful situation and it is often healing.

Note: laughing at someone in a painful situation is not good.  G are you listening?  G finds people falling over to be the highest form of humour. Not every one agrees.  Especially me. Ha.

Crying - good. Let it out.
Laughing - good. Let it in.

Note 2: telling someone to laugh when they've just stubbed their toe may result in injury...yours.

P.S. Happy Mother's Day!


Anonymous said...

You saying thing like this are NOT funny?


Sarah H said...

Hahahaha OK husband I concede, sometimes it's funny. :P

Anonymous said...

Or this?

Anonymous said...

Or even this?

Sarah H said...

Hahaha husband you are the king of slapstick humour. LOL