23 December 2014


I was blessed with a number of plants this Christmas.  The Poinsettias came in regular brown pots and I didn't have anything to put them in, so I've decorated them all Christmassy.

This one was in a basket, but I thought it needed jazzing up a bit.

The next two came in rather nice pots, so I didn't need to change anything.  Does anyone know what the white flowers are in these two?  The flowers in the second pot are much bigger but seem to be of the same variety.

Chatterbox is upstairs with the flu, poor thing she was so feverish last night, I was a little worried.  She is still hot this morning but not as bad and is a little more cheerful.

Squidge has been busy in the meantime.

She is teaching herself to knit here.  It involves a great deal of getting very cross and frustrated and I'm not allowed to help! :)
I'll get my latest two Advent posts up later on today.  I must get on we have a dentist appointment.

22 December 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday/Daybook Online Journal - 22nd December

Just a little change from my Jesse Tree series of devotions for Advent that I've been posting...are you impressed though that - apart from being late with a couple - I've managed to keep up with it!? *pleased with self*

I came across this at a blog called The Littlest Way and thought I'd join in with her Daybook Online Journal along with Sandra's Happy Homemaker Monday because some of the prompts are very similar. :)

The weather outside is...

Windy, damp and fairly mild for this time of the year.  It's about 10°C (50°F)

On the breakfast plate this morning...

Raisin loaf with cinnamon spread with butter and golden syrup...mmmmm.

As I look outside my window...

I am distressed by the garden...we moved here in November and it's just been too rainy to do anything about it.  It's rather overgrown and the grass is 90% moss, but I've got a summer house! Yay!

Right now I am...

Writing this post...getting frustrated with my camera because my pictures keep coming out blurred even though I have the vibration adjust wobby-hand thing set.

Listening to…

The ticking of the clock in the kitchen.  Chatterbox humming upstairs.

Currently Reading…

1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp and Exodus in the Bible.  It's my second time of reading 1000 Gifts and I'll do a review after Christmas.

In the Kitchen/On the Menu This Week/New Recipe…

No fires...hopefully...which, with my cooking, is always a bonus.  Probably will do pasta bake tonight for tea (NB: for the uninitiated when I say 'tea' in reference to a meal it refers to the evening meal, this is an expression used by people from the North of England who are generally of working class descent).
When I say 'tea' as in a drink I mean...well...tea.

As I Look Around the House…

I see lots of things that need changing...like the awful curtains and light fittings we were blessed with when we moved into this house.  We're going out later to get a curtain pole for the living room to put up some nicer curtains.  But I love my new house.  Here's a pic of the living room/dining room which is all one room (I'll do the rest of the house when I have time), and some pics of the countryside just up the street.

Blogging station and Boots - she still hasn't settled in this house, very nervous.

On Today's To Do List...

Buy curtain rail.
Buy bathroom sealant (I'm convinced the shower is leaking).
Buy slats for Squidge's bed which she's managed to break.
Run the vacuum around.
Get the girls to clean out the guinea pigs.

On the TV Today...

Just watched Cinderella Story with the girls.
Want to watch Expendables 3 (I'm a sucker for cheesy action-man films).

The Week Ahead…

Christmas!!  Never move house just before Christmas...just sayin...

Captured/Favourite Photo from the Camera…

Boot's toes

Praying for…

Sick family and friends, there's so much going around at the moment.  We've had our fair-share too.


The things that need doing around the house.

In Our Domestic Church…

Our Jesse Tree daily (ahem read 'usually' daily) devotions.

So there we are Happy Monday!

13 December 2014

I want to know him. Day 13 Advent.

Now I've caught up on the Jesse Tree series...huzzah...see also It's OK to Fail because He never does and Drawn Close to God for the other two.


4 So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. 5 They said to him, ‘You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.’

6 But when they said, ‘Give us a king to lead us,’ this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. 7 And the Lord told him: ‘Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king'.- 1 Samuel 8

Name of Jesus: King
Symbol: Crown


‘Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king'

This is prophetic. Hear what the people said to Pilate about Jesus

But they shouted, ‘Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!’
‘Shall I crucify your king?’ Pilate asked.
‘We have no king but Caesar,’ the chief priests answered. - John 19:5

These people didn't know Christ was King...if they had truly known Him they wouldn't have rejected Him.  The chief priests were threatened by Him, they wanted to be in control and so they bowed their heads to the one who allowed them control over their religious realm - Caesar.  I believe the people rejected Christ as King because He didn't look like what they expected a king to be and He certainly didn't overthrow the Romans like they hoped.  And so, those voices that sang Hosanna as He rode into Jerusalem were soon crying out, "Crucify him!"  They were disappointed because they expected the Messiah to be a warrior.

But Christ is a warrior.  But He is also a Lamb.  The Lion and the Lamb.  He is conqueror, but He is also the rejected King.

I wonder if any of those who shouted, "Crucify him!" were amongst those 500 who saw Him after the resurrection?  I wonder what they did?

But the issue here for me is knowing Him.  The more I know Him, the more I trust Him as King over my life and the less likely I am to reject His ways or bow down to the modern Caesars.  We only freely follow someone we trust.

Oh Lord, may the eyes of my heart be fully opened that I may know You.  To know You deep in my heart.  That I may trust You implicitly.

Until that day Lord, strengthen me each moment in You.  You are my strength and my Redeemer.

Come Lord Jesus!

Happy Advent!