31 October 2016

So funny

[Conversation with old man in the queue for the tills at Co-op]

OM: "What's all that make-up for? [referring to co-op staff who have fake blood on their faces]
Me: Ah, they're dressed up for Halloween.
OM: Well, I thought that was just for children!
Me: Apparently not.
OM: They don't sing any more you know.
Me: [confused] What?
OM: They don't sing any more, the children!
Me: [still confused but nodding head in agreement] Awwwww.
OM: [sadly] In my day, if I didn't sing, they'd hit me.
Me: [extra confused] Oh dear!
OM: It were better then you know. Things are so different now. [shakes head sadly]
Me: I know [nodding head wisely even though I have no idea what he's going on about]

hahahahahaha bless him