14 February 2018

The Herb of Grace - Elizabeth Goudge - Book Review

5 stars

One of my most favourite books. When Elizabeth Goudge writes characters she reveals their soul and their roots. The animating principle, throughout her books, is the mystery, the beauty, the strength, the warmth, and the light of God.

I won't say much more, except that I think my favourite character in this my second reading is Hilary:
"Increasingly, as he got older he enjoyed things. As his personal humility deepened, so did his awareness of the amazing bounty of God... So many things... The mellow warmth of the port, the pleasure of the game, the sign of Lucilla's lovely old face in the firelight, and David's fine hands holding the cards, his awareness of Margaret's endearing simplicity, and the contentment of the two old dogs dozing on the hearth... One by one the small joys fell; Only, to Hilary no joy was small - each had its own mystery, aflame with the glory of God"

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