09 February 2019


I can't believe how quickly time has passed since my last post!

Home Education

We've been so busy.  Particularly with home education stuff.

L is doing 2 GCSEs this year (General Certificate of Secondary Education) these are usually taken in Year 11 when children are 15/16, but home educators often spread them out over a few years because of the high costs and the intensive work required.  L has already done a Law GCSE and a Biology GCSE at 13 and this year she will do Maths and English Language GCSEs.  Next year we  are hoping to do at least three and have already started work on Chemistry, Psychology and Sociology.

In the UK you need Maths and English to access most higher education and jobs so these are important exams.

The maths course is huge.  It's normally done in school over 3 years, but we're doing it in 8 months.  Hence the busyness.  I feel slightly nervous for her, but I am just praying that God helps us!

She just took a past paper and did very well on it, but she still has some topics to master.

The English course isn't quite as daunting as she is very good already, just needs to polish some skills

Bible Study

I really feel this year that I need to get back into Bible study,  it's hard to find the time but so worth it.  I'm doing an NT Wright course which I am struggling a bit with as it seems to go around in circles back to the same point all the time.  But I have got a lot out of it.

I'm also doing a Bible reading plan, but want to do some self-study.

Well, I'd love to say more but I need to get off the laptop as it's late here.

Hopefully I'll post some family photos soon.

:) xx

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