21 February 2025

Friday's Letters - 21 February 2025

I've seen this idea from Sandra's blog: Diary of a Stay at Home Mom and thought it was a fun thing to do. So here's my try :) 

NB: At the time of posting Sandra hasn't yet put up a Friday's Letters post, I'll link to it if/when she does.

Dear wind...the 50 mile an hour gusts haven't yet blown our bins over, but I can see you are really trying. Why is it always bin collection day when you're blowing a gale?? Aside: Haha - my dad just texted to say the wind keeps blowing his recycling bin over and there's stuff everywhere.

Dear houseplants...you make such a difference in the home. You bring a bit of the outdoors indoors and apparently you are cleaning the air too! Plus you make me happy :)

Dear Coco...you've been with us for a year now since we adopted you. You're such a fluffy cute girl and we love you...except when you stink out your litter tray haha. You have really come out of your shell and seem so much more happy and relaxed than a year ago.

Dear winter...I'm really ready for Spring now, so can I please have a bit of sun and maybe some daffodils?

Dear trees...you are a miracle of creation. You give out so much life - in oxygen, in cleansing the air, in the water cycle, you protect the soil, you help with flood prevention, you provide a home for so many animals, and you help my mental health. Thank you x

Dear artists...thank you for your creativity, for making the world more interesting and beautiful. For colour, and shape, and imagination, and meaning.

Dear authors...thank you for books. I have so many different worlds of imagination on my bookshelves. From the world of Anne of Green Gables to the Shire and Mordor, to mystery and comedy and information and well, everything!

Yours in hope,

Sarah x

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