31 March 2010

Hello there! It's me again :)

I'd appreciate your prayers. I've been suffering with this awful stomach pain and discomfort for quite a few weeks now. It's quite bad tonight. I've been to the docs today and got some tablets, but as yet they've made no difference. With Easter coming up I really want to get to church (especially at such an important time) and to have a great time with the girls during the school holiday.

Thanks ever so.

Hey I might even get chance to pop round your blogs properly over the hols! :)



The Bookworm said...

Oh, I hope it clears soon. Will pray!

A Quiet, Gracious Life said...

I'm sorry you're feeling so poorly my dear friend. I'll pray for you. (o:

Sandra said...

I'm sorry Sarah, I'm praying that it goes away soon.

Glad to see you back :)


Angela said...

Sarah - so sorry you are not feeling well. Hope that you are better soon and able to enjoy Easter with your family.Love and prayers xx

Joyce's Ramblings said...

My prayers are going up for you also. Hope the pills work so by Sunday you will be all better.

Susan B said...

So sorry that you are not feeling well. I will pray for you...

Sarah said...

Thanks ladies! xxxxx

CambridgeLady said...

Oh I do hope the pain eases and the doctor gets to the root of the problem. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you are able to spend Easter with your church. Take care x

Dulce Domum said...

Take care of yourself, my friend. Don't try to do too much. You're in my prayers.