29 April 2010

A lovely walk

You know I love to walk with the girls in the beautiful countryside. So here is the latest 'photo safari' as I remember Melissa once called such posts. You may note there are a lot of 'bend in the road' pictures. I was trying to find a nice shot for a new blog header.


cabcree said...

like your photo safari. :)

Melissa said...

Beautiful photos and guess what I changed readers!!! So here you are and here I am!! Yeah!!

Clare@ BattlementsOfRubies said...

Lovely lovely photos!
I was going to say that my favourite pick for the blog header was the 3rd from last ( I rather like the fact that you can't see what's round the bend) but, now that I see it up there, I think that the one you chose looks just right.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Beautiful pictures. Loved the view of your countryside.

A Quiet, Gracious Life said...

*sigh* England is just so beautiful...

And the photo you chose is lovely, just right! (o:

Madness and mayhem said...

Your new blog header is perfect.I love the photos,you live in such a beautiful part of the country.

Susan B said...

Hi Sarah,
I love your new header, it's so pretty!

I enjoyed all your photos...what a lovely walk.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. :o)

Sandra said...

I always love your photos, I get to visit beautiful England through you :)
