11 April 2010

Sunday loveliness

Chatterbox and Hubs went for a bike ride this afternoon, so Squidge and I went for a walk together (so much for a lazy day!). The spring flowers were out in force.

Squidge calls this sculpture 'Jesus' hands'

As we walked we passed a fire engine parked up but no firemen in sight.

We played Pooh sticks - Squidge won

Ah, the hill is on fire. If you click on the picture (above) to enlarge you might just see a fireman beating out the smouldering field.

And here's his mate, absolutely stressed out (lol) lounging by the stream - he was pumping water.

Squidge loves those daffodils!

A lovely walk.


A Quiet, Gracious Life said...

You and your family have been doing some fun things lately. (o: England is very beautiful!

cabcree said...

looks like it was a beautiful day

Susan B said...

Looks like a fun walk! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos...Squidge is so cute. I love daffodils too! :)