31 January 2011

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather in my neck of the woods:
-1°C and cloudy. It's lovely and fresh. I just wish it was sunny.

Things that make me happy:
I know it's a bit dull, but a shiny clean house and everything organised. Simple things make me happy! :)

Book I'm reading:
Love's Enduring Promise, Janette Oke

What's on my TV today:

Not sure. I think we have a Primeval recorded to watch.

On the menu for dinner:

Chicken, mashed potato and carrots. Nothing too complicated. We Brits like our meat and two veg.

On my To Do List:
Wash towels
Clean kitchen
Starting Spring cleaning (I know, I know it's not even February!) :)
Work (in our local school's kitchen) - today I'm on pot wash in the big sink. Life's exciting huh?
Go with hubs to hospital appointment.
Take girls to dancing.
Church group tonight.

In the craft basket:
Pin cushions.
A doll that's losing her stuffing.

Looking forward to this week:

Getting some Spring cleaning done. Perhaps tidying up the garden a bit - if the ground defrosts.
Spring is coming people! Yay. :)

Tips and Tricks:
Every time you walk through a room put something away. It's amazing how quickly a room will tidy this way. Every time you walk past your bookcase straighten just one book, in no time you'll have a very tidy bookcase.

My favourite blog post this week:

I've just read this post from Mary: If You Don't Do it when it's Hard You Won't Do it When it's Easy. So true, we so easily get out of the habit of doing good things. Things like church attendance and a prayer time are two things that Christians often fall out of the habit of doing.

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Tea Time - a lovely blog with scrumptious pictures and inspiring quotes.

No words needed (favourite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

Well, just a few words...this is pork roasted in the oven in garlic butter. So easy to make, great for a Sunday dinner.

Lesson learned the past few days:
That I can't do everything and in my weakness God shows His strength.

That if you put your hand directly on a grill element, your oven glove will burn right through to your hand! That's 3 pairs of oven gloves I've set fire to in my married life. They're a danger...or is it me who's the danger??

On my mind:
Hubs' hospital appointment this afternoon, hoping that I can finish work on time to go with him. He has a problem with his knee - an arthro-chondral osteochondral defect. He has damage to the cartilage and has a little bit of bone, which has chipped off his knee, floating around in there. When the pain hits him he's in agony. He needs a minor op to remove the bone and to do some other stuff. The appointment today is with the consultant to arrange the op.

Also, I am hoping to make and sell some things online. We've had a little bit of success selling some things on eBay, but I'm wondering if I could set up an Etsy account as eBay is more of a 'cheapest sells quickest' type place and I can't imagine home-made goods would sell that well. However, I'm not sure how well Etsy does in the UK. I haven't formulated a plan yet, so it might not happen. But it's certainly on my mind.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.

Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 (NKJV)

Happy Monday!


allisamazing said...

I love your tips and tricks. It's amazing how those little things make such a big difference. ~Alana~

The Bookworm said...

It was -4 degrees here this morning. A beautiful winter's day, though. Hope you made it through your to-do list and that hubs hospital appointment went well.

Susan B said...

I enjoyed your post! I enjoyed the tips and tricks too. Such a good idea. I like a shiny clean house and everything organized also. It always makes me happy! :) I like Primeval too, I watch it on BBC America (or online)...I have a couple recorded that I need to watch. I'm a bit behind! I hope your husband's doctor appointment goes well. Thank you for sharing. :)

Sarah said...

Alana - it's true, just a little at a time really adds up.

Bookworm - it's a bit warmer and rather foggy today. Very dreary.

Susan - thanks! I didn't realise that you got Primeval in the States. Hubs' hospital appt went OK. He's already had an MRI scan, yesterday he had his consultation, examination and another X-Ray. We're just waiting for the appointment for the operation.