Friday 28 January 2011


I saw this at A Quiet, Gracious Life and wanted to join in.

I Am
...........struggling to use this lap-top, some of the key strokes are different. Grrrr! :)

I be a stay at home mother again - but needs must.

I Should........worry less.

I Wish..........that I was more patient.

I mess on the pavements. Triple grrrrrrr!

I children growing up and turning away from God.

I Hear.......the tumble dryer humming and Squidge crumpling up tissue paper in the Living room (we've just made a Tudor Rose out of the stuff).

I hear the still small voice of God.

I Wonder..........if I'll ever get to clean the inside of my kitchen cupboards this year!

I Regret.........many things, but praise God for Jesus!

I Love...........the kittehs. Meow.

I Always.........have coffee in the morning, I'm not human without it! I look like this without my coffee:

I Usually.........have a prayer time at 8.00 am.

I Am Not............a great talker first thing in the morning (see above).

I the rain...ha, NOT.

I an my head. I'm actually not too bad, but I'd never sell a solo album. :)

I Never.......ever, ever, ever, want to eat butternut squash again...yukkk!

I Rarely......walk slowly downstairs. I bound.

I Cry.........when teachers say nice things about my children, at the sad bits in films, when I read scripture (particularly out loud), when someone gives their testimony, when anyone else get the picture! :)

I Am Not Always punctual as I should be. I underestimate how much time things take.

I mobile phone far too much. And I don't know my own number so I can't even phone it from the mainline to find it!

I'm Confused.......with disturbing regularity.

I clean out my kitchen cupboards! It's really getting annoying now. If I had the energy I'd do them right now, but I've been out all day...moan, moan, moan. LOL.

I Have............more blessings than I can count.

If you do your own mememememmemeeeeee let me know and I'll visit.


Anonymous said...

I LOVED reading your answers, thank you for playing along! We are very similar. (o;

Mo said...

Enjoyed reading your answers! I turn OFF the animal commercials. :(

Susan B said...

I enjoyed reading your meme! I can relate to quite a few of your answers. Thank you for sharing them. Have a lovely weekend! :)

The Bookworm said...

I am planning to do this meme next, though I am also slow to get to things!