23 January 2012

Children's TV

Ahhh, children's TV, is there no greater torture?

The hubster (husband) is getting very high pitched about the awfulness of Milly, Molly.  So high pitched the windows are vibrating.

He's even tweeted it on Twitter, his distress knows no bounds.




Joyce's Ramblings said...

FUNNY! I can remember back in the dark ages when I had to watch childrens' TV. There was 9 1/2 years difference in the children and in that many years it didn't get any better. A few programs I refused to let my children watch because I couldn't handle them.
I guess thats my bad.

Sarah said...

Lol, there are a few I'd like to ban, not because they're unsavoury but just because the storylines are just awful and the characters insanely irritating! :)

The Bookworm said...

Yes, there are a few on my hit list too. Rastamouse is my current hate.

Sarah said...

There is one that we rather like it's called the 4 o'clock Club. Rastamouse isn't one that we are subjected too. :)

Craig Stumpf said...

Great Cat!!!

I came to your blog from Jon Acuff’s site. He has created a tremendous forum for sharing our blogs and impacting more people with them.

I hope my blog can be an encouragement to you also.

I write it for encouragement and motivation daily.


Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to watching the connections grow!

Melissa said...

Oh, I soooooo agree!!

Carol said...

I'm passed that stage, but as we've just had our first grandchild I guess I've got it all to come again!!