28 June 2012

It's been a bit damp around here

Click on the picture for a better view.

We had torrential rain today. Monsoon like. Fortunately it only lasted half an hour or so otherwise I'd have been paddling about in my house.  Just shutting the kitchen door at work soaked me to the skin. We've had some really bad weather locally particularly last weekend. On Friday night at a birthday party I spoke to someone who wasn't able to get home due to the flooding problems.

Here are some videos taken in a couple of nearby towns:

In this first video the centre of the town was badly flooded, someone I know lives on the hill behind this pub. Her house was OK but her car was damaged.

In this next video the canal has burst its banks:

Waist deep water on the main street:

It's sheer volume of water pouring down from the hills that feed into the River Calder, in this next video you can see the differences of during the floods and after, the water level change is amazing:

For those of you who are interested I just wanted to add this video, it's interesting because you can hear the flood warning siren going off at the beginning and it gives and overview of the area (this is all about 5 miles away from our house):


allisamazing said...

Oh my, glad you aren't paddling about your home.

Melissa said...

It has been like that north of here in Duluth, MN. In fact, a seal escaped the zoo and was found downtown Duluth.

I wonder if you are on the same Latitude as Duluth? Duluth is 46.7833

Sarah said...

No I think that's more on a line with central France. Floods were approx. latitude 53.71620547 / 53.750

Sarah said...

So am I, I was a bit worried at work.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I can't even imagine how scary that would be, stay safe!

We need some rain here where I live......seems like feast or famine sometimes, doesn't it?

Sarah said...

Thanks Mrs B, we're pretty safe here, unless the lake overflows its banks! :)

The Midlands have taken the brunt of the weather today, I think they've had floods today.

Sarah said...

Lol, I just twigged the bit about the seal, so the zoo flooded? Poor animals.

Melissa said...

Yep but apparently the only escapee was the seal.

You need to find the video of the sheep that fell off a bridge in Australia - not funny (nearly all four-hundred died) but high on the list of bizarreness.

Sarah said...

Lemming sheep? Weird. :)

Melissa said...

Not really, a semi tipped over on an overpass during rush hour in Australia....