11 June 2012

There is no formula for life except Jesus

The Christian is in a different position from other people who are trying to do good. The Christian thinks any good he does come from the Christ-life inside him. He does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us. ~ C.S. Lewis

It is damaging when I reduce my Christianity to formula.

Too often I rely on orthopraxy and not Jesus.

Too often I fear rejection by God because I cannot follow the formula someone has prescribed for 'a great Christian walk' - despite the fact that God says He will never forsake me or leave me.

There is no formula for life except Jesus.  He gives His life to those Who ask.

It's all about Jesus.

Jesus loves me.

I love Jesus.


Melissa said...

Have you ever read Lewis' faith biography 'Surprised by Joy.' He struggled with orthopraxy in his youth which is probably one of the reasons he became an athiest before he became a Christian.

Sarah said...

That's one Lewis book I've not read. I think I have it though in a collection I've bought - I'll have to have a look. :)