24 July 2012

Look what I got for my birthday!

Look what hubster got me for my birthday! I'm a very lucky girl.


Melissa said...

Happy birthday to you. I love mine.

Sarah said...

Thank you. So excited about what I can download!

Sandra said...

Oooohhhh a Kindle. You're going to LOVE it :) I made a post on my blog a while ago about a TON of old homemaking 1800's books for the kindle :)

Elizabethd said...

I have one of those! I still prefer a 'real' book, but the Kindle is very usefu.

allisamazing said...

Happy Birthday! What a great present :) I love mine which was a christmas present a year ago!

Sarah said...

I don't remember that post, I'd love something like that! I love old books.

Sarah said...

I LOVE old books, and I'm quite excited about downloading some old homekeeping books like Sandra suggests...but as you say there's nothing like the smell and look of a really old book. We have some old Famous Five books, I love them.

But very excited about my Kindle, I can download 3,000 books!

Sarah said...

Thanks, everyone has said how great they are! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! And what a nice gift DH gave to you. :o)

Susan B said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!! How fun for you!! I hope to get a Kindle one day. Let me know how you like it, and about the old homemaking books. I love to read those too! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't do much reading now but if I did I would want one. Isn't it sweet that hubby gave it to you. Joyce

Sarah said...

Thank you, he's a sweetie. :)

Sarah said...

Thanks Susan, I will let you know how I get on, I've often wondered if I would like it because I love real books so much! :)

Sarah said...

Hubs is a real sweetie! :)

The Bookworm said...

Ooh! Nice! I love my Kindle. Enjoy!

Sarah said...

Thank you, very excited lol.