06 August 2012

Menu plan for the week (and a few days)

Here's our menu for the week (and a few days), I normally do my shopping on a Wednesday, but we just got back from our holiday in Devon (well we got back on Saturday) so I need to stock up.

Breakfast – Toast (already had this, the girls had chocolate spread sandwiches - good food at its best NOT).
Lunch - Cheese on toast
Evening Meal - Pork chop risotto (because I always make this when I do a menu plan on my blog!) :)))

Breakfast – Crumpets
Lunch – Chicken soup and home baked bread
Evening Meal – Out for a barbeque (will it rain?? Most likely!)

Breakfast – Toast or cereal
Lunch – Baked potatoes with tuna mayonnaise and cucumber
Evening Meal – Toad in the Hole

Breakfast – Sausage muffins (as in oven-bottom muffins...)
Lunch – Quick sandwich for me, kids are at in-laws for lunch and I’m meeting a friend later
Evening Meal - Chicken pie (not homemade), mash n’ veg

Breakfast – Toast or cereal
Lunch – Hummus and salad pitta
Evening Meal - Lasagna

Breakfast – Pancakes and maple syrup
Lunch – Home-made naan bread
Evening Meal – Penne carbonara

Breakfast – Croissants with jam and butter
Lunch - not sure...
Evening Meal - Pizza

Breakfast – Boiled eggs and soldiers (I am RUBBISH at making boiled eggs...never get them just right, but hey-ho we press on).
Lunch - Cheese toasties
Evening Meal – Chicken, potatoes, bacon Au Gratin (as seen on Sandra’s food blog) with corn-on-the-cob

Breakfast - Toast or cereal
Lunch - Sandwiches
Evening Meal – Burgers baked in mushroom soup and garlic, served with mash and broccoli


Melissa said...

We got your postcards!

Sarah said...

Yay! Did you get our letters we sent before we went away? :)

Elizabethd said...

I'm just no good at making menu lists, and never stick to them if I do make them.

The Bookworm said...

I have a Lakeland egg-perfect egg timer (link wouldn't copy for some reason, but should be eBay to find on their website). It is a red egg shaped thing that you put in with the eggs, and it gradually turns black as the eggs cook. Clever, and it works - though you do have to keep an eye on it to see when the eggs are done.

Anonymous said...

I always have the hardest time planning meals.....great job!

Sarah said...

Lol, ask me at the end of the week whether I have stuck to this plan! It's a good way though of focusing my mind when I make my shopping list so that I don't buy too much (or not enough) food.

Sarah said...

I've tried every method...Delia, BBC guide, advice from friends, but I never seem to manage to get the yolk nice and runny and the white sufficiently cooked. But I press-on. I'll perhaps need to get a timer, thanks! :)

Sarah said...

Thanks Mrs B, as I said to Elizabeth, whether I actually stick to it is another thing! :)

Dulce Domum said...

Getting a boiled egg just right is 99% luck imo. Nice menu plan, Sunshine.

Sarah said...

Have you ever tried to prick the egg with a pin before boiling? I find that nigh-on impossible. Can't get the cursed needle through the shell, end up pricking me fingers!

I need to practice more, I get disheartened by the unrunny yolk or too runny white. lol.