30 May 2013

Meter cupboard make-over

I'll wager not many statuses ...sorry posts (obviously in Facebook mode LOL)...have that as a title! :)

There were some ugly self-adhesive towel holders on the meter cupboard in the kitchen, so I decided to pull them off.  Bad idea! It took a load of paint with it.

So I made it all pretty, lol.  The sign says, 'Where there's smoke, you'll find me cooking dinner'.  I now have a place to hang my apron and tea-towel. :)


Anonymous said...

he, he. perfect sign for you? :)

Anonymous said...

It looks lovely! So cheery and I love the colors. What a way to make lemonade out of lemons.

And LOL at the sign, yes that does seem to fit you. he he ;)

Sarah said...

Emerube - haha, it's funny how often the smoke alarm goes off around here!

Michele - Thanks! Not a permanent fix, but at least it looks quite cute. :) You like my sign too! LOL ;)