04 January 2014

Colour amidst the grey

It's cold, grey and damp today.  But I've managed to get out into the garden and hopefully we'll get some colour here and there.  My winter pansies are fading a bit so we need a bit of colour.  After planting out my narcissi daffodil bulbs that I'd saved in my shed I was itching to get out again and plant some primrose, snowdrops and tulips that I'd bought with my Christmas money.

Unfortunately, this photo is a bit blurred (I took it on my mobile phone camera), but it gives you an idea.

Today is going to be catching up on ironing whilst watching Pretty Woman and taking down the Christmas decorations

The house is fairly peaceful, the girls are busy and G is out at church helping with some sound equipment.

Yesterday's cooking went well (if you don't know I'm doing a journey into loving cooking!).  The fajitas were lovely.  I made my own spice mix with cornflower, cumin, paprika and chilli powder...no cayenne pepper because the girls don't really like food that is too hot and spicy, I also added some garlic, red and green peppers, and mushrooms.  We had guacamole and salsa (not homemade!), cheese and lettuce with it.  Delicious.  I might try my hand at burritos next time, just need to get the right beans, etc.


Melissa said...

There you go - doing great! We are going to plummet today. Our high was at midnight at around 24 degrees F - it was 20 degrees when I woke up and it is 18 degrees now (less than an hour later) and it going to drop to minus 20 degrees by tonight

Debbie said...

Thank you so much for the sweet comment you left on my blog. I live in Illinois, near the center of the United States, and we are preparing for a huge snow and record breaking low temps. I moved here from Texas and have gotten used to cold weather. Seems everyone in the large discount store today was there because of the weather. :) Stocking up!
It was funny to see your post on bulbs, so I knew you were from far away. I too have 2 daughters, but they are grown and one has a daughter of her own. Girls are so much fun. Hope to hear from you again.

Sarah said...

Have you had any of the bad weather I saw on the news in the US?

Sarah said...

Hi Debbie, thanks for visiting! :) I'm a bit late planting out the bulbs...at the moment the UK is very, very wet, but quite mild. If there'd been a hard frost I'd have had to leave it x

Melissa said...

Snow? No - just a dusting - mostly just super-duper cold.

Sarah said...

It's been around 40F here in NW England. Pretty mild really. Hence the gardening...LOL just making you jealous ;)