01 January 2014

Plans for the future, and a bit about last night and today

I have made some New Year resolutions 'hopefuls'. I usually shy away from making fixed resolutions because I verge between perfectionist and phenomenally disorganised (not great bedfellows).  So, I've made lots of plans, but I am remembering that a) I need to allow myself to change my mind or let something go because I'm fickle a free spirit [ahem]; and b) that God warns us in James 4 not to make strict unbreakable plans because who knows what tomorrow will bring. So my plans are not so much set in stone, as set in putty. LOL :)

I have the usual plans to eat healthily - at least 5 portions of fruit & veg a day; drink more water; exercise for 15-30 minutes a day; get on top of the housework/clutter; and, generally be absolutely awesome!

Today has gone a bit awry, Hubs has been called into work to deal with a leak - boooo! The girls have gone with him so the house is quiet, which is nice really.

I've done a load of washing, cleaned up the front door, made a batch of carrot and coriander soup, done a spot of shopping at the supermarket and now I'm blogging! :)

We had an interesting evening.  The teenage girl next door invited some friends around and the noise was deafening it was like there was a herd of elephants running up and down the stairs with the boom of music in the background.

We went to bed about 1 am and I put my earplugs in to try to get some sleep.  About 4 am my earplugs had worked their way out and I could hear an almighty argument going on next door with lots of choice language and screaming.  G was awake so I asked him what was going on.  Apparently mum had returned in the early hours and started screaming about the house being wrecked.

We get up this morning and there is glass and beer cans all over the street, one of our neighbour's fences has been kicked down, there's glass in people's gardens, and bizarrely tea lights strewn across our lawn!  Praise God there was no damage to our house.  We saw the mum and her daughter claims her party was crashed by some boys and they wrecked the house.  Oh dear.  G helped one of the other neighbours sweep up the street. If it was up to me I'd have made the girl whose party it was clear up!

I don't think we've ever had a quiet new year. One day I'll have a house with really quiet neighbours! God willing!!

We plan to get the house ready to sell this year.  We're having a new bathroom put in (our old one is falling apart and we have intermittent water coming through the kitchen ceiling as a result).  I've also started bits and bats of decorating.

So, do you have any 'resolutions' or plans for the year?  Did you have a quiet new year or a did your new year start with a 'bang'? :)


Becky K. said...

Thanks for the visit at Hospitality Lane. I do hope things settle down in your neighborhood now that the New Year has arrived. I totally agree about holding our plans loosely and not resolving to do things that may or may not happen.
I'll look forward to visiting your blog again.

Sarah said...

Hi Becky thanks for stopping by. We're praying for peace on the street now. X

Elizabethd said...

That must have been horrible for you. How lovely to plan to find somewhere a bit calmer!

Sarah said...

I hope so Elizabeth! We are praying to find somewhere really nice. :)

Anonymous said...

Y'all have been dealing with these noisy neighbors for *years*, ugh! I sure hope your house sells quickly.

Lovely to see you blogging again. :)

Sarah said...

Yes, to be honest it's not half as bad as it used to be, however, the problems in this particular house is that there is no cavity in the party wall so if there is music or arguing it's like it's going on in my house! We've had some sound insulation put in, so at least we don't hear their TV anymore (and hopefully they don't hear ours).

It's the bad language I hate the most!

It's great to be blogging again, I'm enjoying it. :) Hoping to keep it up.

sherry said...

been there done that {noisy neighbors and scary stuff}.
sorry you're dealing with it but thankful there's light at the end of the tunnel. hoping your home sells quickly and that God will bless you with a sweet home.

Sarah said...

Thanks Jane. x