28 February 2016

I'm not cool..

L to me: "They're not called emoticons!! They're called emojis".

Then quietly and sadly: "You're not cool".

25 February 2016


So ill! Urgh, been in bed all day, headache, achy, sicky. Worst thing is though, I've lost my voice.

Very frustrating. L keeps saying, "What? I can't hear you...what?"

Honestly, if you can't boss your children around life just loses all its joy ;) haha.

 Goodness knows how I'm going to cope with not being able to boss G about! However, he claims it is nice and peaceful.

I can't even shout at the cat when she's clawing the carpet. I can hiss though...it makes me look like a nutjob, but heyho!
This is how I instruct people that it is bedtime

03 February 2016

I love her

B: "Oh my gosh, the 2016 Olympics! Is that this year?"

Me: [sarcastically] "No, it's next year."

[Long silence] B: "Oh....hahahahahaha"