28 May 2016

Look what my lovely grandma sent us

My lovely grandma (mum's mum) sent us this beautiful card (the granddad we lost was dad's dad).

17 May 2016


Our garden was a bit of a jungle when we got the house.  Nettles and all sorts of things were growing.    Reeds growing here and there and all kinds of very deep rooted things.  Sadly even after working hard at weeding and clearing they soon come back.

Four days ago I cleared a small rockery area and a path.

A couple of days ago, G and I worked very hard (back breaking hard) to clear an overgrown area.  We revealed stones and flags we didn't know we had!

Branches that need taking to the tip

Today I worked hard to clear an area of the garden, got some nasty nettle stings, but it looks so much better now!

10 May 2016

War torn puddy tat

Boots has been fighting.  Note the neighbour's cat's claw in her forehead! *sigh*