31 December 2017

NT Wright quote

“Albert Schweitzer, a century or more ago, used another strong image. Jesus, he said, was like a man convinced the wheel of history was going to turn in the opposite direction. He waited for this to happen, but it didn’t. Then he threw himself upon the wheel, and it crushed him—but it did indeed start to turn in the other direction.” ― N.T. Wright, Simply Good News

30 December 2017

I love reading

Ahhhh, the bliss of time to read and read and read. We've been so busy the past year that I just haven't had time to do all the reading and pondering and wondering that I LOVE to do. New Year's resolution...make time!! The downfall to all this, is that the house is so untidy that I think it would just be easier to hand the keys over to the mortgage company and go rent somewhere clean and tidy.
Boots, on the other hand, thinks that I should read less and pay her more attention!

12 December 2017

My poor dad

The arrow won't wash off! Haha
Well my dad finished his radiotherapy on Friday! Whoop! But on Saturday morning he cut his finger badly, spent all morning at Urgent Care and was been referred to a Plastic Surgeon Monday morning, for possible nerve damage!

My poor dad! The hospital confirmed that he had severed the nerve, it was an exhausting day as they were so busy and Dad had to wait and wait.

Apparently the nurses applauded when dad finally went off to theatre lol they felt so sorry for him. Dad said they were so lovely and kind to him, plying him with tea and biscuits all day.

Praying that it heals up quick.  He will have to have physio to prevent it stiffening up as the nerves regenerate themselves gradually.