21 May 2020

Sunny happy days

There's something about sunny weather that makes you feel better about the world.  Yesterday was such a day.  We lazed in the garden, eventually moving under sun-umbrellas because it was so warm.  Just lovely.

It was so lovely I put on my favourite form of footwear: flip-flops!  I am convinced that I was designed to be a beach bum in Cornwall.  The ideal would be a little cottage on the coast, walks on the beach and along its beautiful coastline.  Barbecues overlooking the sea....  I keep telling God this, but to no avail, here I remain, plus I'd need to be quite rich to buy a cottage near the sea.

Born for flip-flops
We were supposed to visit Cornwall for our holidays this year, St Ives to be exact.  Sadly, because of the whole Coronavirus debacle it's been cancelled.  So, my flip-flops are the nearest I'll get to the sands of Cornwall this year...😭

Look how pretty:

Flickr - Kernowfile

Flickr - Kernowfile

Flickr - diamond geezer
Boots, on the other hand, is glad we are not going to Cornwall, because holidays mean a stay in the cattery, and Boots does not see the cattery as a suitable establishment for a moggy of her status.

The heat is a bit much if you have a fur coat on
I cannot complain though, this weather has been beautiful and has made lockdown so much more endurable.

Have a beautiful day, rain or shine.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; Ecclesiastes 3:11(a)

Sarah x

I have a new post up on my other blog A Tree Planted by the Waters: How I study the Bible - tips and resources 1 - Bible Versions. After leaving a comment here, pop over there and visit! 💚💚💚

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