Wednesday 14 September 2022

Flippin' strikes

Urgh.  Because the French air traffic controllers are striking on Friday, B and her friends can't get out of Paris until Sunday!  All the flights out Saturday were booked up so Sunday it is.  Their airbnb won't let them stay the extra nights, so they've had to book into a hotel for two nights.

I just want her home!! [initiate worrying mother mode] However, I think now that they've got their flights and hotel they're actually quite pleased with the extra nights and their travel insurance should cover the hotel fees and other associated costs.

Photo by Kurt Sunkel on Unsplash

They've been having a fabulous time at Disneyland Paris and they plan to do some sightseeing around Paris as well.  I'm so happy they're having so much fun 🥰 Ah to be young again lol

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