Saturday 24 September 2022

I bought some shoes! I did gardening! And other life changing activities.

I think I'm gradually building up my strength after my nasty bout of pneumonia.

Today the girls went off to do a bit of clothes shopping leaving me and the hubs to ourselves.  I desperately need some new shoes.  I'm down to two pairs of casual shoes: a pair of doc martins and some plimsols (which are starting to come apart at the front).  So off we went.  And success!

Three pairs!  Three! It usually takes me a life time to pick one.

We had a post-shopping Lunch-date in a local cafe.  Lunch was delicious... steak sandwich with mushrooms and fried onions on ciabatta...mmmmm.

Then back home.  We watched a spooky film, Malevolent, which was ok. 

Boots enjoyed the sit down.  Look at her tiny fang and pink toebeans haha

Then I did a bit of gardening. The garden has got out of control since I became ill at the beginning of August.  Trimmed down a wild roses bush that had grown exponentially in the last few months and put down some bark just to tidy up the front garden.  Arms now covered in thorn scratches.

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