24 February 2010

Computer has been fixed

Computer has been fixed - hubster is a clever boy!

Me n' Chatterbox are at home today poorly sick. Just a bad cold. I feel terribly shivery too. I just couldn't get warm yesterday. Hopefully we'll be back on our feet tomorrow.

Boots is in the wars too, she's got a sore foot poor puddy-tat.

Anyway, just thought I'd update you all on the computer status, etc.



Erin said...

I hope you get feeling better soon! I've got Clever Preschooler home today here with a bad cold.

Pamela said...

Hope you're all feeling better soon!

Me said...

Glad you are back...Sorry you are sick...blather is a great word....

I just wish I could get you back into my feed reader. I deleted you and now when I try to add you back in it tells me I already subscribe to you.

Sarah said...

Erin - I hope your little one is better soon too.

Pamela - thanks!

Melissa - do you use Google reader? Because my blog is feeding OK into Google reader. I'll check my feed settings though to be sure.


Susan B said...

Sorry you have been sick...hope you are soon feeling better. Love the word blather....Take care. :o)

The Bookworm said...

Glad about the computer. Not glad about the colds. Hope you are both feeling better soon.