18 February 2010

I totally forgot pancake day

Chuh, I forgot Shrove Tuesday. How can I claim to be English and forget Pancake Day?


So, back to the kittehs, this has to be the cutest kitty video ever!

Hope you're having a lovely week.



Joyce's Ramblings said...

Great video. Cats are so much fun. Not as much fun as a coffee pot. Hope you have a great week. Mine is going much better. Yesterday my car would not back out over a patch of ice. Today I was able to get it out and it is parked on the street now and I didn't have to walk to post office God Bless

Susan B said...

Hi Sarah,
That video is just way too cute!! Thank you for sharing it. Hope you are doing well.

(Thank you for your prayers.)

. said...

We didn't forget pancake day. We ate a lot.