07 May 2010


Just got a job! In the kitchen at the girls' school. :))))))))) [excessive cheesy grin]

Here endeth the post.


Joyce's Ramblings said...

Yea!! Hope it gives you what you want. :)

cabcree said...

already said congrats on facebook, but congrats again!

Madness and mayhem said...

Thats great.Well done.Im sure you will enjoy it.x

A Quiet, Gracious Life said...

Rejoicing with you!!!

Rhonda in Chile said...

Wonderful. I can see that you are thrilled. I am happy for you.

Angela said...

well done
only in term time
and near the girls
have fun
blessings x

Sarah said...

Thanks people. It's not mega-bucks, but it's so close by, it's term-time only and the girls are SO excited Mummy is going to be at school! x

Susan B said...

Congratulations Sarah! I hope you enjoy your new job!!! :o)

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Sandra said...

Congratulations Sarah, I'm grinning for you, that is so great :)

. said...

So good!

Erin said...

Congratulations, that's wonderful news!

Melissa said...

Yippeeeeeeeee yahoooooooooo yeah for you

Dulce Domum said...

Congratulations, old bean!

Will you be popping chocloate buttons on top of rice pudding? If so, save some for me!

Bee said...