15 May 2010

Well hellooooo!

I've not posted in ages. Hopefully I will have time to speak forth my words of wisdom soon, but until then my dear friends you will have to contain your excitement.


This was a quick note to let you know I'm still around and OK. xx

Here's a thought provoking quote from Charles Spurgeon:

You are steaming across the deep sea of time into the main ocean of eternity: to what port are you steering?


A Quiet, Gracious Life said...

Thanks for the quick update, been wondering how you are. (o:

Love the Spurgeon quote too.


Melissa said...

Well hello...I am glad you are well.

Susan B said...

Hi Sarah,
So glad to hear you are doing well! Have a lovely week. :)

Bee said...

Thanks for the quick note Mummy.