20 May 2010

How to fold a fitted sheet.

I've always battled with fitted sheets and so they just end up crumpled. But there is a simple technique for folding fitted sheets:


Pamela said...

That's amazing! I have battled with this for years - thanks so much for posting this.

Sandra said...

You know that's actually how I fold mine LOL I learned this trick years ago from Martha Stewart. I knew she was good for more than just cooking.

Melissa said...

I thought I did pretty well - this modifies me a bit and I will have definitely try it.

Madness and mayhem said...

Ok i now have to go and empty the drawer and fold all my sheets the right way!

CambridgeLady said...

I've no excuse now for just scrunching them up and throwing them in the airing cupboard :S

cabcree said...

she does it a little different from me, but her way looks easier. might have to try it. :)

Susan B said...

Great video! My sister taught me years ago (when I was young) a similiar way, but I like this way better. It's much neater. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for posting it!

Have you ever seen the one about folding a tee shirt in two seconds? It's interesting, though I haven't mastered it. Maybe I'll post it sometime.

Have a great weekend! :)

The Bookworm said...

Genius! Sheer genius! I have never been able to work out a way of folding fitted sheets without them ending up in a crumpled ball. Going to test it out on one of the messy balls in the airing cupboard this afternoon.

Bee said...

Boring talk

Bee said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Mummy said...

Cheeky Monkey

PixieMum said...

Just found this, so grateful and will try it.

Also I will be looking at this website LOAD.

Thanks, PixieMum