06 July 2010

Comments Again

Lol now Joyce's comment reappeared in my comment moderation box then disappeared again. Bookworm, I got your second comment through on email but it refused to publish and disappeared from the moderation box!

I'm turning off moderation now...*sheesh*

Edit: It's an ongoing thing: see Help forum


Sarah said...


Sarah said...

ok so my comments are showing in the popup box but not on the front page on my blog...

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've been having any problems but maybe I haven't been paying attention. Hmm....

The Bookworm said...

Commenting just to see what happens!

Sarah said...

This is interesting, my comment count for this post says 1, whereas there are 4 comments. There are hundreds of bloggers registered their problem on the forum I link to, so at least it's not a problem with my blog in particular.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

I didn't think I post any thing that people can't read.
I think any thing that goes out and over can get twisted by something in the air. Oh well, don't worry about it as I won't take it personal. God Bless

Sarah said...

Yes Joyce it's a problem with Blogger, I'm not sure why some comments were getting lost. x

Anonymous said...

Well, I spoke too soon! I haven't lost any comments (yet) but the comment count is wrong.

Anonymous said...

I just saw this and was going to mention what you have already figured out...blogger is "losing" comments. :) I know some bloggers have moved to wordpress.

Sarah said...

Well what do you know, the comment count on this post is finally correct!

Dulce Domum said...


Sarah said...

Dulce, you are very testing indeed. Hahahaha only kidding. It posted!