10 July 2010

Work-Life Balance

I came across this post: To Stay at Home Wives and Mothers at a blog called Lady in the Making. It really touched me. It makes me realise how blessed I am.

Before I got married I worked a very busy job in our local city. When I got married my husband and I agreed that I'd cut my hours down to part-time hours so that I could concentrate more on everything that needed to be done at home. My boss (a staunch career woman) was so wonderful and understanding.

I stopped working 2 months before my first little girl was born. When she was around 1 1/2 I started working 10 hours a week in a local office and my Mum cared for her whilst I worked. I worked right up to the day before my second little girl was born and then stopped working altogether.

I was a happy stay at home mother and wife until last year (my girls are now 6 and 8) when I took up a job working 20 hours a week in a small office. I was OK when the girls were in school, but when it got to half-term and my Mum was looking after them my heart ached. Lol, every time someone walked past with a child I could have cried.

Now, I reckon some readers may be thinking I'm too soft, perhaps I am, but it was so hard! Goodness knows what I'd be like if I had to work full-time! :)

So, now I work term-time only at my girls' school. I work 2 hours a day, I get to see my girls and ask them how they are whilst they're at school. I am also at home throughout the school holidays. It's wonderful. To be honest, I'd rather not work at all and my husband also would prefer that I didn't work. But needs must at the moment.

Family and home are such a blessing from God.


Anonymous said...

I read that post too and thought it was really good. Quite heart-felt!

I'm so happy that you have found something that you needed but can still have peace in your heart while doing it.

God is so good!

Sarah said...

I reckon my job really was a gift from God because I had actually prayed, on the day I found out about the job, that the right job would come up and then a friend texted me on my mobile about the job at the school. God is so good.

Anonymous said...

it is great that you can work some and still be home for your girls. :)