05 July 2010

Dear David Cameron

My eldest has just passed me this letter, which she wants to send to David Cameron as soon as possible. It is reproduced exactly as written

Dear David Cameron,
Please can you make schools (not high schools) more scure so that teenagers can't get in.
What is it like being Primeminister?
Is it very very very busy?
Have you ever been to Denmark?
How many letters do you get?
Can you make smoking be Illegal because it is not good for peoples health all their teeth go rotten and their lungs go black. I wish you could come over one day even though it might be along way maybe about 4 or 5 hours long.


B___ Age: 8 School: S____ Primary School


Angela said...

I hope you have a; photocopied it and b; posted it!!
blessings on you and your thoughtful child [I agree about the smoking thing, but not sure about Denmark]

Joyce's Ramblings said...

So wonderful that the child has the hope that things can be changed. I see the fear of teen agers.
This is a treasure that you need to keep. It would be interesting to see what you would get back if you mailed the letter. I know thats what I would do.
God Bless,

The Bookworm said...

Classic! I hope she gets a reply.

Sarah said...

I'm not sure what's happening with the comments! Joyce yours will only show in the pop-up comment box, but won't show on the post and Bookworm yours was in comment moderation and then it vanished!

So, I'll put them in here :) :

Bookworm Classic! I hope she gets a reply.

Joyce So wonderful that the child has the hope that things can be changed. I see the fear of teenagers.
This is a treasure that you need to keep. It would be interesting to see what you would get back if you mailed the letter. I know thats what I would do.
God Bless,