Monday 5 August 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday - Post Holiday Chaos!

The weather...

Rain, rain, rain.

Right now I am...

Sitting on the bed typing this with a finally relaxed pussy-cat snoozing on my feet [we've just got back from holiday and being in a cattery totally stresses her out]


That I need to get tea going.  Hubster is on his way home and Chatterbox is going to a youth event at church tonight, so she needs to have had her tea soon.

On my TV...

Catching up on Big Bang Theory.

Top Gear.

I watched the revealing of the actor who will play the 12th Doctor (Doctor Who) last night on BBC. I wished I hadn't because it's much more fun to find out when he regenerates in the TV programme...but I'd have found out anyway, the papers, TV, radio, Facebook and Twitter have been talking of nothing else. Plus I find Zoe Ball a most annoying presenter.

What I found while surfing the net...

On the menu for this week...

Tonight, pasta bolognese I think.
Tomorrow chicken drumsticks and mash

I haven't really thought further than that.

In the craft basket...


Looking forward to this week...

Getting the house sorted out!  And the garden.  My word it's overgrown!

Looking around the house...

Mess.  An orchid that needs serious attention.  Snoozing cat.  The girls making jewellery at the kitchen table.

From the camera...

Crazy cat:

If I photoshopped her eyes red...scary! LOL

On my prayer list...

My hubby has a Urology appointment coming up soon, hopefully they will find out what is going on with his kidneys, etc.  I'd be grateful for prayers.
Our next door neighbour's mum has just died suddenly, I'm praying for her.
My cousin and a friend are both going through painful separations from their husbands both of which were precipitated by the husband have come as such a terrible sudden shock to them.

Bible verse, devotional...

Deuteronomy 31:8
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

For more Happy Homemaker Monday Posts visit Sandra.


Anonymous said...

came over from the happy homemaker linky. my hubs got me hooked on big Bang Theory just this past season, now we watch the reruns at night. I enjoy laughing with him at Sheldon. have a good week. beth

Melissa said...

Tim and I love watching TopGear on Mondays (they run it all evening on BBC America on Mondays).

I will pray for your husband kidney stuff is scary.

I have a friend who is dealing with a similar scenario to your friends - it is so sad and makes me rather heart sick.

Sarah said...

Hi Beth - oh, we do so love Sheldon!

Melissa - Thanks for your prayers. hugs.

Naomi said...

I love a bit of Top Gear but I haven't caught any of this series yet! I also felt the exact same way about Doctor Who on Sunday - Why Zoe Ball?! And how many times did she say beautiful?! LOL

I hope your husbands appointment goes well and will keep him in our prayers.

Have a blessed week xxx

Sarah said...

Hi Naomi, mmm Zoe Ball, she's so manic, I can't relax when I'm watching her. The whole programme annoyed me though...not sure why I watched it! LOL

Thank you for your prayers. x