15 July 2014

Homemaking meme

Sandra has done a meme - and I haven't done one in years and I've been tagged, yay! :D

The rules are simple: Just copy the meme from my blog and post it on yours, answer the questions, and tag your friends if you wish.  You don't have to tag anyone, if I tag you, you are more than welcome to just play along, but do let me know so that I can come and read yours too :)

Most of my favourite blogs are 'tag free', but if any of my readers do this meme please let me know!

Plus, I just want to add, even though it's a 'homemaking' meme, you don't have to be a full-time housewife or anything to join in, we all have homes and most of us enjoy some aspect of making it nice - whether it's decorating, cooking, family get togethers, some people even like ironing...Sandra!...LOL

Aprons - Y/N If Y what does your favorite look like?
I have aprons, but I don't often wear them.  This is my fave, it's a bit vintage looking :)

Baking - Favorite thing to bake?

Fire! Da da daaaar!  I am renowned for my attention span issues in the kitchen.   Here is a little picture I have in my kitchen, which sums me up nicely! :)

I remember baking a cake for Squidge's 3rd birthday, it came out lopsided, and then all the pink icing ran off onto the plate. Haha.  Awesome! :)

Clothesline - Y/N

YES! There is nothing more satisfying than a line of washing hung out.  I love the look of it flapping in the breeze and the smell of it when you bring them in. 

Donuts - Have you ever made them?

No! See note on my baking above. Haha.

Everyday - One homemaking thing you do everyday?

Washing (laundry).  Wipe around the loo. Cooking.  Washing dishes.

Freezer - Do you have a separate deep freeze?


Garbage Disposal - Y/N

No. Not something many of us Brits have.

Handbook - What is your favorite homemaking resource?

The internet I suppose and my lists! Lists, lists, lists!

Ironing - Love it or hate it?

I like it when it's done... :D 

Junk drawer- Y/N - Where is it?

Haha, yes we call it a 'man drawer' where all the batteries and screwdrivers and random nuts and bolts end up.

Kitchen - Color and decorating scheme?

Teal flowered wallpaper, blue tiles, white shaker style cupboards, butcher's block style worktops.

Love - What is your favorite part of homemaking?

Making a home for my family.  When it's all done and we have time together to talk and read and stuff!  I also like old fashioned stuff.  I have lots of doilies and my Nan's paintings around the place.  I like wood and natural things too.  I like a home to look comfortable.  I also rather like gardening, I'm not particularly knowledgeable, but I love flowers and watching bees. LOL

Mop - Y/N

Yes, but I don't like it.  Much prefer hands and knees because mops don't get into all the corners. But I do use my mop...it just isn't satisfactory! :D

Nylons - Wash by hand or in washing machine?

Nylons? Are we in the 1950s?  Haha. Well, if I wear tights (as we call them over here) I pop them in the washing machine.  Having to handwash makes my eye twitch. LOL

Oven - Do you use the window to check on things or do you open the door?

I open the door and every time the sudden rush of heat melts my eyelashes. 

Pizza - What do you put on yours?

Mmm, mushrooms, peppers, olives. YUMMY! Oh and mozzarella is the best cheese - stringy!

Quiet - What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?

Bible study, read, watch Morse.

Recipe Card Box - Y/N


Style of house

Old fashioned. Lots of wood. Woodburner stove. Smells of lavendar and polish. Oh yes, that would be my fave.  Cottage garden. Or a Hobbit hole, I'd love to live in a Hobbit house

Tablecloth and napkins - Y/N


Under the kitchen sink - Organized or toxic wasteland?

Washing powder, dishwasher tablets, various cleaning stuff...

Vacuum -  How many times per week? 

A few times a week, but not everywhere.  The stairs need a few times a week because they are red and show up every bit of muck.  Downstairs is done regularly because the girls trek in sawdust and hay from the guinea pigs!

Wash - How many loads per week?

At least 7!  I'm a bit obessessed with laundry, I think I've picked it up from my Mum.  I love my wooden pegs too, they remind me of my Nan: Beautiful Simplicity.

X's - Do you make a daily to do list and check it off as you do things?

Listomania!  Oh yes, I am LIST WOMAN!  I have lists for my lists.

Yard - Y/N - Who does what?

Yard? Over here a yard is a small flagged area, but I know this means garden.  Yes we have a garden and I generally do the gardening.  The hubster does mow the lawn on occasion and help with big stuff, like digging up bushes and the like.

Zzz's - What is the last homemaking task you do for the day before you go to bed?

Make sure the kitchen, living room and bathroom are respectable. :) Or, apply - what my dad calls - the 'sod it principle' and fall into bed instead.

Happy days. xx


Sandra said...

Hahahaha yes, me and my ironing.

I love the picture in your kitchen LOL I always laugh when you talk about burning something, just because it's so you and I love it.

I would totally live in a Hobbit house, without a doubt.

This was so much fun to read, thank you so much for playing along xoxoxo

Vee said...

Made me laugh! I may resemble a few of these myself.

Sarah H said...

Hobbit houses are just my dream, but I'd plump for a thatched cottage or a local weavers cottage if I was pressed. LOL

Sarah H said...

Haha, glad I'm not alone in my madness. LOL

Pom Pom said...

I liked reading your responses. I would like a hobbit hole, too. Cozy!

Mary said...

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Mary said...

I love your list, you're a kindred spirit! BTW, I have the "To err is human, to arr is pirate" on a t-shirt.

Sarah H said...

Aren't they lovely? All wood and cosiness. :)

Sarah H said...

It's a great quote - combines my two favourite things - making mistakes (ha) and pirates. :)