07 July 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 07/07/14

For more HHM posts visit Sandra's blog

As I look outside my window:::

It's a bit grey outside.  I can hear the guinea pigs squeaking as it's getting near their breakfast time.

Right now I am:::

Sitting watching the news with G, he's been checking the traffic news because part of the motorway is shut after an accident.  He has a 30 mile trip to work and nearly every day there is some kind of hold up.  Boots is on my knee drumming her tail because I am not being still enough, haha.

Thinking and pondering:::

The super-hero outfits I want to sort out for the family.  Next Sunday is a family focused service at church.

On my bedside table:::

Lots of books & Bibles in a basket.  My earplugs (I like a good night's sleep, haha). My glasses.

On my tv this week:::

We won't watch all these this week, just a list of things to record or watch depending on time.

The Tour de France as it went through our township.
Mock the Week
Have I Got News for You
Wuthering Heights (recorded)
Royal Hampton Court Flower Show (& Weds, Thurs)
Bedlam Behind Bars - Panorama
A History of Britain - Simon Schama (recording series)
Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free
The Big Bang Theory
When we (I) get time:
Re-runs of Criminal Minds
Old Inspector Morse episodes

Listening to:::

Right now:  Person on the news talking about the Tour de France going through Cambridge.  I can hear the tumble drier rumbling in the kitchen.

Music I'm enjoying at the minute:
Classic FM radio
Learning Yahweh by Kari Jobe for Music Group at church
Enjoying also, Oceans by Hillsong, Victor's Crown by Darlene Zschech, Arms of Grace by Beth Croft

On the menu for this week:::

Today: Quiche
Tuesday: Paella at Church Home Group
Wednesday: Tuna pasta bake
Thursday: Salmon
Friday: Sausage, mash and Yorkshire puddings or pizza!

On my to do list:::

Laundry - Chatterbox has just come back from an adventure weekend with church, so there is PLENTY of laundry!
Getting things for super hero outfits for church.
Get well card for Granddad - he's had more surgery on his skin cancer, poor thing.
Collect the last of Squidge's sponsor money for the walk she did with school for the NSPCC.
Get some cleaning done as I am at college later this week.
Make a start on my long overdue household filing, honestly any longer and I'm going to have bats nesting in my filing box!

Happening this week:::

On Tuesday - Meeting up with an old friend visiting from New Zealand; Squidge's Musical Evening at school where she will be playing flute; social evening at our Church Group where we will be having paella and fun.
Weds-Friday - Bible College where the topic is The Interior Christ.
Thursday evening we are going out for a meal with G's mom and dad as it was his 40th birthday recently.

What I am creating:::

Superhero outfits for the family for our Superheroes Sunday at church.  I'm going as CatWoman (of course!), G is going as Batman, Chatterbox is going as Violet from the Incredibles, Squidge is going as a Ninja Warrior.

My simple pleasure:::

Sitting in the sun reading.

Homemaking tips:::

Here is how I keep up with my 'Things to Do' - I have a master list for the month on one side of my binder, which I transfer from my diary and calendar, and daily 'To Dos' on the other side.  It's so helpful to have them next to each other.  I'm very forgetful, so this really helps!

Looking around the house:::

Chatterbox's 'crown' she made which is signed with all the names of the children who went away on the adventure weekend with church.  G's 40th birthday cards.

From the camera:::

Playing around with Picasa - I like it, it looks like a 1980s postcard. :)

Prayer List:::

Granddad and the discomfort he is suffering after his operation to remove skin cancer on his head - praying for comfort and healing.
Mum for her poly rheumatic myalgia.
My husband for his job, to uphold him when he's under pressure from all directions.
Some lovely friends of ours and some things they've asked us to pray for.

Bible verse, Devotional:::

I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. ~ John 10:10 (The Message)

Have a lovely day.  And don't forget to visit Sandra for more Happy Homemaker Mondays.


Vee said...

Thank you for popping by my corner today. I have enjoyed my visit here and plan to do some more snoo...looking around. I haven't figured out quite where your corner is. I hope that your family members are feeling better very soon. I know personally how miserable polymyalgia rheumatica is.

Sarah H said...

Hi Vee, thanks for visiting! :) xx

Felicias Red Door Life said...

The laundry monster has hit here as well, which is weird because the oldest (who causes the most) isn't even here this week.

I thought I was the only one who slept with earplugs, mine is due to the husband snoring ...he sounds like a cross between The Predator and a chainsaw.

Have a great week!

Sandra said...

Laundry is just never ending, I'm so sick of it. LOL

I'm also watching Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free, I love her :)

Beautiful photo, and you're right, it does look like a postcard, so pretty. Hope you have had a good Monday so far, and wishing you a lovely week ahead.

Much love,

Sarah H said...

Laundry is a mountain that is never climbed. I do so love the smell of freshly washed clothes though. This laundry needed a prewash as well, you should have seen the muck!

Haha, my husband sounds like a truck idling sometimes :D

Sarah H said...

Kirstie is great with all things housey. Have you ever watched Location, Location, Location? I need her and Phil to help us find a new house.


Dorothy L said...

What a brilliant idea to have a planner like that. It must make life easier!

Sarah H said...

It certainly does! Helps my wobbly memory! :)