28 September 2016


I went to hospital today to have a camera up my nose and down my throat - yikes!  I've had a bad cough on and off for about a year.  I was so nervous my lovely friend Liz came with me.

It was fine in the end, a bit uncomfortable, but OK.

Anyway I have a small nodule near my voicebox which needs removing. Not looking forward to that!!

25 September 2016

A lovely break

We had a lovely few days meeting up with friends in a holiday cottage in Kirkby Stephen.

What a truly lovely place.

Here are some photos (not mine, but our friends pictures...my phone camera is not this good!)

22 September 2016

The greed to be loved

"The greed to be loved is a fearful thing. Some of those who say (and almost with pride) that they live only for love come, at last, to live in incessant resentment.” The Sermon and the Lunch, CS Lewis

12 September 2016

Deep and meaningful conversations with my children

So, the girls and I have just read through chapter 10 of 1 Corinthians, during which I expounded with great wisdom the meaning of the scriptures. Afterwards there was a ponderous silence, then L said thoughtfully, "Mummy? I have a question"

"Yes darling," I said, knowing deep in my spirit she had been moved in a momentous way.

"When we are in heaven, do you think we'll be able to make our own eyeballs fall out?"

Hahahahahaha, children, they certainly keep you grounded!!