Saturday 5 January 2019

Fun day and girly evening in...ish

We had a good day yesterday.  I didn't get as much housework done as I wanted to, but I did scrub and shine the shower cubicle, which makes me happy.  However, there the housework stopped because the girls and I had lots of very deep conversations about the world, the universe and everything and we got rather distracted.  B was revising her Religious Studies A Level philosophy work and that sparked a few conversations too.

Plato - thinks that he must be because he is thinking...😜
We then decided we would test ourselves on how many countries in the world we could place on a blank map...just because haha.

Before I knew it, it was 3pm and B was panicking because she was supposed to be meeting a friend, so I dropped her off there, then when I got home I did a quick tidy round and then it was time to take L out to meet some new friends she has made.  It was a birthday meal for one of these new friends.  It warms my heart to see her happy and out with friends. 

When I came home from dropping L off at the restaurant and picking B up from a local coffee shop, Hubs had got home from work and was waiting for a friend to pick him up because he too was going out for a meal!  

So me and B were home alone.  It was therefore necessary that we did something fun, so B decided that she wanted to make pancakes, we would put our onesies (all in one fluffy pyjamas) on, and we would watch Dumplin' on Netflix.

Dumplin' is a really sweet film about a girl who is very close to her aunt but not very close to her mother who is an ex-beauty pageant queen and who runs the local pageant every year with great passion.  Willowdean (Dumplin') feels she doesn't measure up to her mother's (or anyone's) ideal of a beauty queen and decides to sign up for the pageant as a kind of protest.  I won't say anymore, in case you want to watch it, but it's definitely a heartwarmer-type film.

B making pancakes, apparently this is what she is going to eat for breakfast all the time at university

It's good to spend time with the girls, I love them so much and can't believe how quickly they are growing up!

When hubs got home we had a good natter and then settled down to watch Salvation on Netflix.  We're on Season 2 and apparently it ends on a cliffhanger and they aren't doing another season! *sigh*

Bootsy enjoying Salvation

Have a lovely weekend!


Sandra said...

Can you believe how big our kids are getting? Remember when we were blogging back in 2006 and they were all so little. It's crazy. Sounds like you had a great day with your girl :)

Sarah said...

Yep, wow. SO many years have passed. Lils was only 2 in 2006! Scary.