27 February 2025

Latest Read - The Secrets of Hartwood Hall and upcoming reads...


This was a book G picked up from the library. It's a spooky, gothic, Victorian era mystery with overtones of Jane Eyre. I really enjoyed it up to a certain point, I thought it was suitably mysterious and spooky, but the last few chapters felt rushed. The twist was not what I was expecting at all. The lead character was interesting but I don't think very likeable. There were some good villains to hate in it, and it was a page-turner to be sure. So overall I gave it 4 stars - I wouldn't read it again but it was entertaining and an easy read.

Next read, Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie. Not read it in years, picked up from the library.

After that The Anomaly by Hervé Le Tellier, picked up second hand. It's our next bookclub read and I'm excited because I've been wanting to read it for a while. Love a good sci-fi mysterious events on a flight stuff.

I have a mildly amusing story connected with this book. I wanted to read it a while ago and got the book from the library. As I was reading it I got more and more confused. Where was the plane and why were they in caves. I'd picked up the wrong Anomaly... this one:

It was a completely bizarre story about creepy caves with a mechanism that evolved these monsters super-fast. It was enjoyable but absolutely nonsensical haha.

Anyway, the sun is out and I feel Spring is in the air!

Have a lovely day

Sarah xx

25 February 2025

Top Ten Tuesday - top ten books set in another time

I've just seen this at Colletta's blog and thought I would join in as I love books (I may have mentioned this before 😂)!

It's hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl: "This week’s topic is “Books Set in Another Time”. These books can be historical, futuristic, alternate universes, time travel, etc. You could also share the titles of books set in other worlds, where timing is not measured by our world’s standards."

Here is my top ten of all time:

1. Sleeping Tiger, Rosamunde Pilcher - set in the 1960s. It's an easy read, and makes me feel all summery. It makes me want to live in a village in Spain and be a free spirit haha. Her other book The Shell Seekers is equally wonderful I think, but this was the first book that made me fall in love with Rosamunde Pilcher books.

2. Under the Whispering Door, TJ Klune - such a moving uplifting and at times hilarious story. It's based in a tea shop that helps people cross over after death. So definitely an alternate universe to ours.

3. The Herb of Grace, Elizabeth Goudge (I think it's known as Pilgrim's Inn in the USA) - based after WW II. It's a timeless story about a family, it's the second in the Eliots of Damerosehay series. I find the writing to be deep and thoughtful, with a gentle spiritual background. I love the character of Hilary, who is a priest and member of the family, here's a quote: "Increasingly, as he got older he enjoyed things. As his personal humility deepened, so did his awareness of the amazing bounty of God... So many things... The mellow warmth of the port, the pleasure of the game, the sign of Lucilla's lovely old face in the firelight, and David's fine hands holding the cards, his awareness of Margaret's endearing simplicity, and the contentment of the two old dogs dozing on the hearth... One by one the small joys fell; Only, to Hilary no joy was small - each had its own mystery, aflame with the glory of God

4. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen - I feel this needs no introduction.

5. Red Dwarf, Grant Naylor (I love the TV series too). The Red Dwarf books are hilarious. Set in the year 2044 (I think) onboard a mining ship - then after the 'accident' set in the year 3 million and something because that's how long Holly waits to wake up Lister.

6. Anne of Green Gables, LM Montgomery - and ALL the Anne books haha. These are my perennial favourite books. If I'm feeling low or tired they are an enjoyable, magical, escapist read. Set in the 1880s onwards. An aside: apparently Megan Follows who played Anne in the popular adaptation is going to play LM Montgomery in an upcoming biopic - exciting news eh?

7. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Douglas Adams. Has time travel and ghosts, so definitely alternate universe fantasy stuff. It's quirky and fun and very much British humour. I also really like The Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul, which is the second book.

8. Three Men in a Boat, Jerome K Jerome. Published 1889. My granddad used to read me snippets of this with tears rolling down his face in laughter. It is hilarious. Totally recommend. Honestly get it. It's not a long book but it is so funny.

9. Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien. Another that I am sure needs no introduction.

10. A Little Princess, Frances Hodgson Burnett. Most people know her book The Secret Garden, but not as many know this beauty. It is a wonderful, life affirming story, and I LOVE IT. Set in 1905 it follows the rise and fall and rise again of the fortunes of a rich little girl called Sara. She is a little like Anne of Green Gables in that she is kind and imaginative and even in the darkest moments retains dignity and kindness. It's beautiful. Read it.

Special mention:

11. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Anne Brontë - my favourite Brontë book. Some people don't like it as it is 'dated' and 'moralising'. But I love Helen Graham's quiet dignity and bravery. It's not as dramatic as Jane Eyre (which I love) or the dreadful Wuthering Heights (which, as you can guess from 'dreadful', I dislike intensely).

Anyway, what are your favourite books set in another time?

Sarah x

Meet Coco

 This is Coco

We got her a year ago from a local animal welfare charity. She was so shy and nervous when we got her. She didn't like to climb or jump up, even onto the windowsill. She seemed afraid of doing these things. She didn't meow or wash herself. The charity were vague about her background and we wondered if it was an animal cruelty case, they can't share details when that is the situation.

Gradually her confidence has built up and now she'll jump up onto our bed even when we are there. She still rarely meows, but she does wash herself (thankfully).

She's a little fluffy treasure. Very fluffy. She really doesn't like being brushed so we have to brush her in stages. Even if she just sees the brush she legs it, haha.

She's not a lap cat. We are hoping that one day she will sit on our lap and that at the moment it is still a confidence thing. But time will tell.

Her favourite way of greeting us and sleeping is to lie on her back. But woe betide anyone who dares to stroke or scratch her belly! She has a strong bite (which I discovered at the vets one time, she bit right through my nail!).

We have grown to love her so much, she is a beautiful cat. She has what we call 'mad half hours' each evening where she clatters up and down the stairs like crazy. She doesn't seem to like chasing various cat toy balls we have bought, but does love a piece of ribbon that she will attack happily.

Little toe beans

She loves to sit on the windowsill in the living room and cackle at the birds outside. The birds are very active at the moment as Spring approaches, so this pleases her very much haha.

So that's Coco, our little kitty-cat.

Hope your week is going well.

Sarah x

24 February 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday - 24th February 2025

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather.....

As I look outside my window...

Sunshine and showers. It's so lovely to see blue sky and a rainbow, and snowdrops are apprearing here and there. Spring is coming!!

Right now I am....

Making lunch and watching Modern Family.

Something fun to share (a blog, a video, a tip)...

This bus stop in Fowey 💕 the locals decorate it, it's so cute.

Thinking and pondering...

That despite the negativity in the news there are kind, generous people everywhere.

On my reading pile....

The Secrets of Hartwood Hall by Katie Lumsden.
I've just finished Anxious People buy Fredrik Backman - he apparently wrote the book that inspired the Tom Hanks film A Man Called Otto which I LOVED. 

On my TV.....

Modern Family, season 2
Severance - we are ADDICTED haha
Revenge of the Pink Panther film 

Listening to....

Modern Family and the hum of the oven.

On the menu for this week....

Monday: Spaghetti bolognese
Tuesday: Salmon with green beans and rice
Wednesday: Coconut and lentil curry
Thursday: Beef stew with roasted mini potatoes
Friday: Pizza night
Saturday: Butter chicken and naan
Sunday: Tofu stir fry

On my to do list....

Grocery shopping, quick clean of the house, laundry, piano practice.

Happening this week....

Not a lot really. Cleaning mum and dad's this week, will probably take mum out for lunch and B has dentist on Friday.

My simple pleasure....

Watching reruns of my favourite TV shows (recently Modern Family and IT Crowd) or watching old films.

Lesson learned the past week....

This is kind of not a lesson as such but a random piece of information. The earth's rotation is slowing down by 1.8 seconds every 100 years.

Looking around the house....

It's a bit messy - ready for my Monday reset. But I can see Coco sunning herself, some beautiful roses that G bought me and blue skies out of the window.

From the camera....

I love this tree LOL

On my prayer list.....

L at university. My mum and dad - mum's health and dad as he takes on the bulk of her care. G as he recovers from being ill for the past couple of weeks.

Bible verse, Devotional....

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
Have a lovely week
Sarah xx

21 February 2025

Friday's Letters - 21 February 2025

I've seen this idea from Sandra's blog: Diary of a Stay at Home Mom and thought it was a fun thing to do. So here's my try :) 

NB: At the time of posting Sandra hasn't yet put up a Friday's Letters post, I'll link to it if/when she does.

Dear wind...the 50 mile an hour gusts haven't yet blown our bins over, but I can see you are really trying. Why is it always bin collection day when you're blowing a gale?? Aside: Haha - my dad just texted to say the wind keeps blowing his recycling bin over and there's stuff everywhere.

Dear houseplants...you make such a difference in the home. You bring a bit of the outdoors indoors and apparently you are cleaning the air too! Plus you make me happy :)

Dear Coco...you've been with us for a year now since we adopted you. You're such a fluffy cute girl and we love you...except when you stink out your litter tray haha. You have really come out of your shell and seem so much more happy and relaxed than a year ago.

Dear winter...I'm really ready for Spring now, so can I please have a bit of sun and maybe some daffodils?

Dear trees...you are a miracle of creation. You give out so much life - in oxygen, in cleansing the air, in the water cycle, you protect the soil, you help with flood prevention, you provide a home for so many animals, and you help my mental health. Thank you x

Dear artists...thank you for your creativity, for making the world more interesting and beautiful. For colour, and shape, and imagination, and meaning.

Dear authors...thank you for books. I have so many different worlds of imagination on my bookshelves. From the world of Anne of Green Gables to the Shire and Mordor, to mystery and comedy and information and well, everything!

Yours in hope,

Sarah x

15 February 2025

Latest read

I've just finished reading Someone You Know by Erin Kinsley, picked up at my most recent library visit. I gave it 3.5 ⭐s. It was a murder mystery, quite a slow burn rather than a fast paced thriller but I enjoyed it. Some of the characters weren't the nicest, but all in all it kept me interested. 

G is upstairs in bed with Covid, feeling sorry for himself poor thing, and we sadly had to cancel our Valentine's Day meal last night 😥 but it gave me lots of time to read and watch another one of the original Pink Panther film series (the ones with Peter Sellers). We've rebooked to eat out next Saturday, so that's good (as long as I don't get sick 🤞).

My next read is Anxious People by Fredrik Backman:

This is for the book club I'm part of. Our next meeting is next weekend, so I need to get going with this book!

Have a lovely weekend

Sarah x

12 February 2025

Catch up

Well it's been a while! I had all good intentions for posting regularly, but we've had a bunch of family illness and then issues at work, so my mind has been elsewhere for a while.

I left my job in December (they were making redundancies and had cut my hours down to 12 a week - it was a complicated situation) and since then have been helping care for mum and supporting dad.

So other than those jolly happenings, looking back on what I've been up to: 

G and I took a visit to Cardiff in Wales last week, he needed to go for work so I went along for the ride. We had a lovely time, the weather was gorgeous. We met up with a couple of friends while we were there, which was good for me as, at the moment, it can be a little isolating during the day.

Look at those skies! It was bloomin freezing though!

Marina in Cardiff

Coco is settling more and more 💖 the 29th February will mark 1 year since we adopted her from the Blue Cross. She is such a fluffy cute girl.

I've been trying to walk more and generally exercise more, oh and eat healthier. We're lucky to live near beautiful countryside.

Love this tree - it's an oak tree. I must admit I say hello, and occasionally a hug, as I walk past.

We had some lovely snow in January and me, B & L threw a few snowballs, made snow angels and generally had fun.

Christmas was fun and relaxing. Just us and close family.

We had a holiday in the Lake District in September. The cottage we stayed in had beautiful views with just a tiny glimpse of Windermere.

We had some lovely walks around the area and a trip on one of the the Windermere cruises.

Anyway, I could ramble on forever!

Have a lovely day!

Sarah x