I've just seen this at Colletta's blog and thought I would join in as I love books (I may have mentioned this before 😂)!
It's hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl: "This week’s topic is “Books Set in Another Time”. These books can be historical, futuristic, alternate universes, time travel, etc. You could also share the titles of books set in other worlds, where timing is not measured by our world’s standards."
Here is my top ten of all time:
1. Sleeping Tiger, Rosamunde Pilcher - set in the 1960s. It's an easy read, and makes me feel all summery. It makes me want to live in a village in Spain and be a free spirit haha. Her other book The Shell Seekers is equally wonderful I think, but this was the first book that made me fall in love with Rosamunde Pilcher books.
2. Under the Whispering Door, TJ Klune - such a moving uplifting and at times hilarious story. It's based in a tea shop that helps people cross over after death. So definitely an alternate universe to ours.
3. The Herb of Grace, Elizabeth Goudge (I think it's known as Pilgrim's Inn in the USA) - based after WW II. It's a timeless story about a family, it's the second in the Eliots of Damerosehay series. I find the writing to be deep and thoughtful, with a gentle spiritual background. I love the character of Hilary, who is a priest and member of the family, here's a quote: "Increasingly, as he got older he enjoyed things. As his personal humility deepened, so did his awareness of the amazing bounty of God... So many things... The mellow warmth of the port, the pleasure of the game, the sign of Lucilla's lovely old face in the firelight, and David's fine hands holding the cards, his awareness of Margaret's endearing simplicity, and the contentment of the two old dogs dozing on the hearth... One by one the small joys fell; Only, to Hilary no joy was small - each had its own mystery, aflame with the glory of God"
4. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen - I feel this needs no introduction.
5. Red Dwarf, Grant Naylor (I love the TV series too). The Red Dwarf books are hilarious. Set in the year 2044 (I think) onboard a mining ship - then after the 'accident' set in the year 3 million and something because that's how long Holly waits to wake up Lister.
6. Anne of Green Gables, LM Montgomery - and ALL the Anne books haha. These are my perennial favourite books. If I'm feeling low or tired they are an enjoyable, magical, escapist read. Set in the 1880s onwards. An aside: apparently Megan Follows who played Anne in the popular adaptation is going to play LM Montgomery in an upcoming biopic - exciting news eh?
7. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Douglas Adams. Has time travel and ghosts, so definitely alternate universe fantasy stuff. It's quirky and fun and very much British humour. I also really like The Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul, which is the second book.
8. Three Men in a Boat, Jerome K Jerome. Published 1889. My granddad used to read me snippets of this with tears rolling down his face in laughter. It is hilarious. Totally recommend. Honestly get it. It's not a long book but it is so funny.
9. Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien. Another that I am sure needs no introduction.
10. A Little Princess, Frances Hodgson Burnett. Most people know her book The Secret Garden, but not as many know this beauty. It is a wonderful, life affirming story, and I LOVE IT. Set in 1905 it follows the rise and fall and rise again of the fortunes of a rich little girl called Sara. She is a little like Anne of Green Gables in that she is kind and imaginative and even in the darkest moments retains dignity and kindness. It's beautiful. Read it.
Special mention:
11. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Anne Brontë - my favourite Brontë book. Some people don't like it as it is 'dated' and 'moralising'. But I love Helen Graham's quiet dignity and bravery. It's not as dramatic as Jane Eyre (which I love) or the dreadful Wuthering Heights (which, as you can guess from 'dreadful', I dislike intensely).
Anyway, what are your favourite books set in another time?
Sarah x